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A Field Guide to the Insects & Spiders of Skopelos


NUWritten by Drs Brian & Elizabeth Ridout and Philip Insall. Includes Geology, water, wildlife, butterflies, moths, bugs, beetles, flies, wasps, ants, spiders & scorpions.

Images by Lisa Manly

Available as book only or book and Terrain Map.

Re published by Heather Parsons March 2024

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Insect book only, Insect book and Terrain map

1 review for A Field Guide to the Insects & Spiders of Skopelos

  1. Anne Perry

    This is a great book for those who love to walk the tracks of Skopelos and find out more about the hundreds of types of beautiful butterflies and other small creatures that you will see in abundance . Also this book has a really informative first chapter giving an overview of the geology and vegetation of the island ,including the most common trees to be found. A really good read to enhance your knowledge of this island.     (Anne Perry)

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