I’d like to draw your attention to the box to be found on the top left of the map, titled A Note on the Hiking Trails on Skopelos. Basically, it’s telling hikers that these pink routes are IN DEVELOPMENT. Some routes or portions of them are already open and maintained if within our capabilities to do so, but others, for example the ravine route from Djelili to Kriavrissi, the Monks Trail from HTA landfill to Kalogeros and the old trail to the Gourouni lighthouse, will need earth moving equipment in order to be reinstated.
The famous Municipality of Skopelos Project for clearing and waymarking the trails on an official basis, as mentioned in the above box, has been in the pipeline for 4 years. It’s been hinted that work will started after the elections but don’t hold your breathe!
Whilst on the subject, it should also be noted that the numbering system on the Terrain map is not the same as those used in the Skopelos Trails guide book. I will be synchronizing them in the next edition.

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