There are 14 monasteries on Skopelos. All are Orthodox. Five are inhabited and open to the public. They are closed between 2pm and 5pm. Four are privately owned. The others are closed, disused or ruins. Nearly all have nearby fresh water springs.

Please observe their dress code, show respect and leave a donation at least for candles lit.

Nuns should be addressed as ‘sister’ and monks as ‘brother’.



Meaning: The Annunciation. The time when an angel appeared before Mary with lilies and told her she was pregnant.

Name Day: 25 March. First recorded restoration took place in 1712. Since July 2024, monk Paisios has resided there.


Meaning: Matthew 17 – when Jesus was temporarily changed physically ‘his face bright as the sun, clothes white as light’. It was a short glimpse and proof for (doubting) Thomas that He was indeed the son of God.

Built in 1636. Name day: 6 August when grapes are offered to the congregation. Monk Dionysis has resided here for some 20 years.


Meaning: Barbara the martyr lived from 273-306AD. Her father kept her prisoner and is usually portrayed with chains and a tower.

The building was first restored according to records in 1697. Name day: 4 December. Nun Joanna has stayed here since 2024 before which she lived in Evangelismou.


Meaning: The honourable John the Baptist; saint of love, loyalty and friendship.

Built in 1616. Name day; 24 June. Monk Theothosis arrived in 2020 and has transformed the place for the better, even selling his own art in the gift shop.


Meaning: The arc-angels Gabriel and Michaelis in the area of Vatos (bramble).

Accessible only on foot. Name day: 8 November when many islanders make their way there.

PANAGIA LIOVATHIOTISSA (Privately owned by Virgilios Tsioulli)

Built between 16th and 17th century. Name day: a changing date soon after Easter.

EPISKOPI (Privately owned by the Dimitriadou family)

Amazing finds during it’s restoration including evidence of a Roman temple dedicated to Artemis.

Name day: 15 August


In good condition and a monk did briefly stay here, but it does open its doors to celebrate its name day.

STAVROS (Privately owned by Andromachi Balazoudi)

Meaning: The cross. The outbuildings are now ruins but the church is intact.

Name day: 14 September



Meaning: the domination of Mother Mary

Inhabited by sister Herovim. Name day: 15 August.

AG GEORGOS (ruins but the tiny church within its walls is intact).

Name day: it falls between Palm Sunday and the second Sunday of Easter.

AG EFSTANTHIOS (Privately owned by an organisation from Thessaloniki)

Name day: 20 September when islanders make their way to this remote area to attend the popular event

ANALYPSEOS (Privately owned by the Kosma family)

Meaning: The Ascension. Traditionally celebrated on a Thursday, the 4th day of Easter


Restored to its former glory in 2000 with EU funding.

The full version of this article is available on request

5 Responses

  1. Malcolm Hunter

    Thank you Heather for the fascinating glimpse into the history of these holy places.

    • Heather Parsons

      Cheers. I’ll beam you over a copy as not set up for a link just yet.

  2. John Allan

    Hi Heather,

    Our family has enjoyed several holidays in Skopelos in past years, during which we’ve really enjoyed visiting and learning about the story/history of all the monasteries on the island!

    Your blog on the Monasteries looks fantastic, and as we are returning for holiday in Skopelos this summer (June 2025), I would be very grateful indeed to receive the full version of this blog (I would have been delighted to purchase it if it had been published in book format, but I’ve not seen it available!).

    Many thanks indeed.

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