So, does this mean I can start smoking again? I think not.
But there is a lot in the media here about how a very high proportion of the population are overweight and the majority (of the population) will be classed as obese in a few years time. The lead in to these stories is that ‘obesity is worse for health (I suspect the NHS coffers) than smoking’. I think now they feel they have smoking under some sort of control then the next thing on the list is bad diets and obesity. Lets hope they don’t bottle out (the way they did with the Tobacco companies) and do make the food companies change their practices.
So, I suppose you don’t really want to hear what I’ve been eating, do you? Well, what I will say is that it has been relatively healthy – apart from a couple of visits to an Indian restaurant – and that it is really easy to get healthy, take away and food to go here now. I have been having a lovely time!
Macbeth was – as you will see from my previous comment – excellent, with a splendid cast of actors, some scary special effects and three quite spooky witches in nurses uniforms.
I had a drink with Jan yesterday, and it was good to see her before I go. But her mother is in her final stages of dying and so we could not spend too much time together since she had to get back to relieve Ed who has been looking after Lee while Jan is at work. Jan says she is very lucky to have had this time with her mother and both she and Lee have had long discussions and wish Lee would simply go to sleep and not wake.
Today feels a bit like waiting to start a journey. The flight is at 9pm and I have kept my room till 5pm and will leave at 4.45. But I feel restless and can’t settle to anything. All the bags are packed, I just have to have lunch and then a quick shower and I’ll guess I’ll be ready about 2 hours ahead of time. I think I better get something to read!
This is the end of this blog – till I travel again. Thanks for logging on, reading, commenting. Talk to everyone soon I suspect. In the meantime, love and hugs all round. Ann
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