noun: A hidden store of things for future use
My signature cache is an empty plastic tube that previously contained soluble supplements. The lid handily contains a sealed section of silicon balls that help keep dry the scroll of paper where cachers register their find. Every cache has a unique GPS location plus a few hints. Cachers also let me know of their find by way of a message via the Geocache platform which has a downloadable app for your phone or a website if you prefer. This is where you find the GPS location map of each cache. I have placed 17 caches all over the island and plan to add more.
I’ve already had to replace many of the caches as they keep going missing in some locations. We found one on the ground near the hiding place; the lid of which had teeth marks around the rim, so I’m wondering if rats might think them eatable. I’ve started taping a rock to the tube in an effort to make them too heavy for a rodent to carry away!
Geocaching is a fun way to explore the island, taking even seasoned tourists to spots they’ve never visited before. It’s also entertaining for children and a way of getting a reluctant child to go hiking. All you need is a GPS or smartphone, a pen and a sharp eye.
Geocaching is world wide so take a look at their website, and see if anyone has hidden any around your next destination.
Very good work, dear Heather!
Thank you very much for all that you are doing!!
The place is very lucky to have you and people like you