posted in: Spring 2017 | 0

It’s THAT time of year again unfortunately; tics and green-eyed horse flies (locally called ‘devils’ diavolos). Both are after your blood so be careful.

In the meantime, we are two pairs of hands down; Pamela got badly slashed by some barbed Smilax aspera and Steph had to leave early due to the ferry strike. Heal quickly Pamela and thank you Steph for all your help, carried out with enthusiasm and a smile.

Walks 13-16 section 57

posted in: Spring 2017 | 0

We’d been told about fallen trees blocking this section so decided to have a look. Not good. But we made a start on the first blockage nearest Sotiros. The tree was so big, my chainsaw was too small, but we’ve removed all the branches and Sylvan sawed a foot plate so you can climb over the trunk.

The Monk’s Trail – Tsukalus spring section 25-26

posted in: Spring 2017 | 0

Day 2 of working on this exquisite section. Several hikers came along, hoping to continue on but it would have been impossible. There are tree limbs broken off everywhere. The land owner also visited us. He’s taken advantage of suddenly being able to get to parts of his property, previously jungle and has already been sawing up logs ready for next winter. Thank goodness his attitude was friendly as it’s not always the case! So we’ve got to just beyond the spring and will be working our way up towards the tip.

Welcome back Sylvan from New Zealand! Sylvan was part of last year’s Retsina Trail clearing team.

Another Trail Reopened

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Delighted to say that Walk 6 section 22-23 IS NOW OPEN AGAIN!!

We worked very hard indeed on this trail, not only removing the fallen trees and shrubs but also widening it. We’ve already started on the continuation of this trail, section 25-26.

Steph, Clare, Heather and Pamela
at Glysteri. Part of the Monks Trail


posted in: Spring 2017 | 0

Say ‘Hello’ to our newest arrivals; Steph from Liverpool and Clare from Worthing;  both from UK. We are clearing the way down into the Glysteri valley from near Profitis Ilias, which is Walk 6, section 22. This trail has been totally blocked by fallen trees and large shrubs. I’d say we’re about half way down. Meanwhile, regular volunteer Pamela, has been exposing a beautiful piece of avrahyah (supporting wall) at the entrance to this section of trail. It never ceases to amaze me how much time and expertise went in to building them. The least we can do is uncover them so you can appreciate them too!


posted in: Spring 2017 | 0

Wishing to try out my plasterless ankle with the minimum of walking involved, I decided to give the trail from Ag Marina spring towards mon. Sotiros a widening. This trail is regularly used by Spiro the goatherd and from the amount of large, dead branches around, I’m glad he does as he has saved us a lot of heavy clearing work.

So Kristyn and I spent the day clipping back the dreaded Kermes Oak as much as the narrow trail allows, from the spring to the gate. I also hid a geocach in the vicinity. Happy Hunting!



This small, well-made section of calderimi was totally blocked. It is now reopen. Cleared by new volunteer Kristyn Arnold from Santa Fe, USA and Steve Taylor from the UK, who sadly leaves us today (Tuesday 25 April). Steve was part of The Big, Cool Team and made a huge contribution towards getting the Panormos trail reopened. Thanks Steve.

Kristyn Arnold and Steve Taylor
reopened by Profitis Ilias