All Going Well

posted in: Autumn 2017 | 0

We’ve been working hard on the Machala trail. It’s very beautiful and much wider that I though. Yesterday many people came to see us! Tasoula brought us frappe, juice and snacks, Tom came and helped (he chopped brambles back and found a wall), then Harald and Martina passed by and finally Lisa came and helped. We feel very supported. The evening meal system is working well too. Thank you so much.



5 Reasons you should do a Workaway

posted in: Autumn 2017 | 0

1. Every cause needs a person like Heather. She is passionate about her project, incredibly focused on her mission of clearing trails, and is determined to make sure her workawayers have a quality experience.

2. The project is so interesting. What could be better than working very hard to uncover stone trails that have been hidden away for decades. It’s like a scavenger hunt/archaeology dig where you are constantly finding treasures. (If you think that finding hidden stone trails is a treasure) Thinking about the islanders who used donkeys to transport themselves and their goods from place to place on these trails makes you realize how hard working the people were, as well as what good builders they were to create these trails. I think the project is tremendous.

3. Heather is awesome. She is the perfect host(ess). Not only did she provide dinners on the evenings when we worked, but she brought us around with her on the island, invited us to join her on her hikes, took us to the beach every day, took us sightseeing, introduced us to her friends, showed us what tsipouro was and oriented us to Greece, island life, and Skopelos. She made us feel so comfortable in Skopelos and prepared us for the rest of our time in Greece.

4. The people on the island who support the project are awesome: Heather has enlisted the help of many people who help make the volunteers’ time very comfortable and feel well taken care of. The hoteliers union has donated rooms for the volunteers to stay in and people cooked us food, bought us drinks, transported us from one part of the island to another, and generally made us feel welcome and valued

5. The whole thing is just a lot of fun. Jay and I had a blast on Skopelos. When we left, I actually burst into tears and even Jay was a bit choked up when we waved good-bye from the ferry. I LOVED Skopelos and our workaway experience.

Debbi Perkul




Skopelos Trails goes to Glossa

posted in: Autumn 2017 | 1

A beautiful stretch of calderimi running between Machala and Palio Clima has been selected for clearing. Arriving on Monday 2 October will be Kate and Abbi from the States and Emma from the UK. We will all be staying as guests of Roger and Jo of Glossa Houses, without whom this clear would not be possible. Thank you so much for the opportunity.

All are welcome to give us a hand, if you live or are staying in the Glossa area. Gloves and equipment provided. We are also looking for donated dinners (take-away or in your home) for the volunteers between 3-7 October.

Please contact Heather on 6945249328 if you are able to help.

Walk no.9 Petrovrissi

posted in: Autumn 2017 | 0

This trail has had essential maintenance carried out and is now reopened. Thanks so much to volunteers Cristian and Fabio. We still couldn’t find out why there is no longer any water flowing at the spring, in spite of our best endeavors. 


posted in: Autumn 2017 | 0

Having walked this one today, I found that the little bridge, as mentioned on page 71, has been blocked off due to a landslide. The owner of Rania was kind enough to let us through her building so we were able to pick up the trail after the damaged area, but you may not be so lucky. So unfortunately, you’ll have to keep to the road.

On a happy note, there’s a possibility that repairs will be carried out next spring by the new owner of the nearby Avra hotel, currently under refurbishment. Let’s hope.


posted in: Autumn 2017 | 0

Welcome to our first Autumn volunteers, Debbi and Jay from Cleveland, Ohio, USA, So far we’ve cleared the Asteriathes spring on the Old Road to Stafilos and made a start on the calderimi from Palio Clima up towards Ag Iannis. This was started last spring and is a big job. We have already removed a large fallen tree from the track, thanks to Jay’s chain saw skills and a joint log rolling effort to get it over the side.

Guided Hike from Palio Clima to Ag Iannis

posted in: Autumn 2017 | 4

The second hike of the season will take place on Sunday 10th September. Meet at the taxi rank at 9am. The bus timetable changed so we have to get ourselves to Clima by taxi. Four sharing will work out at 7 euros each, so not so bad. Hike over to Ag Iannis, back the same way, through the village then down to KataKalou/Loutraki and bus back to Skopelos.

Trail Clearing – Autumn 2017

posted in: Autumn 2017 | 1

The Trail Clearing season is nearly here and thoughts turn to volunteers, accommodation, equipment and where to start first! There’s no shortage of volunteers and our first arrivals will be Debbi and Jay from the USA, arriving 8 September, followed by Christian and Fabio from Italy then Emma from the UK. We also have several tourists who’ve booked themselves in for a day of work! Thank you all so much!by Erik


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Skopelos Trails is taking a break for July and August although we will still be available for online help and advice. See you in September when trail clearing will begin again. Our first volunteers are already booked in; Debbi and Jay from the USA followed by Cristian and Fabio from Italy.

Emily and local cat