posted in: Spring 2017 | 0

We’ve inspected part of the Retsina Trail and can confirm that the portion leading up to Ag Reginos Pirgos, is open. We inspected the portion below the church but only as far as the T junction as that is where I fell and sustained an injury that has resulted in my ankle being in plaster. We have also looked at Walk 6 and unfortunately the way is blocked (picture 22). The team made a start but ran out of time. As soon as the plaster is off, we will be returning to this spot but because it needs a chainsaw and Harry has now left, it’s down to me.


posted in: Spring 2017 | 0

The trail starts in the Kastro Carpark. Cross over the road, up the stairs to a marked calderimi (Abuzali). Turn left and then right onto the continuation of the Abuzali calderimi. This brings you up to Raches. Turn left and walk along until Stavrodromo just after Ag Paraskavi. Turn right along the asphalt until a marked trail on the left. Take this trail. Cross over the Potami road. Continue on, passing Epermacho church. Continue on and up. Pass Ag Ianni Skleri. Duck under trees and continue into the forest. This trail emerges on a dirt road. Turn right and continue on to the Panagia church Moutero. Take the calderimi down then up the other side. Pass through Moutero via its spring. Take dirt road until posh house where you turn left. Trail then leads down to sea level. There’s one fallen tree here we couldn’t get rid of. I’ve asked the mayor for help. We’ll see.

One of my little helpers flew the next this morning to pastures new (Iceland in fact). Have a save trip Harry.

We’d all like to thank the following taverna owners for their hospitality and support during the clearing of this trail. This acknowledgement of our work is very much appreciated and the food was absolutely fantastic.

The brothers from Ta Kymata taverna on the Old Port. Their sweat and sauer kalimari was particularly amazing.

Anna and Agapi from Anna’s Restaurant Yiftorema, Taisty Greek influenced Innovative dishes.

Thanasis Florous of Pavlos taverna, Agnondas. Cover the table with lots of yummy starters.


What we thought would be a particularly tough day, turned out to be not so bad but the chain saw was in use through-out. Two huge trees had come down at Ag Ianni Skleri, blocking the trail. There was no way we could move them, so we just removed all it’s branches and hikers have to duck under the trunks to pass. We had a bit of time to spare so went down to Panormos to do a quick trim. Wrong. More trees had fallen over this final piece of the trail. So we did some work and today we will get the chain saw going again and thus will have completed clearing the entire trail from Skopelos to Panormos.


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We started today on the portion of trail from Ag Ianni Skleri down towards Moutero. It’s going to take a few days and the chain saw will get a lot of use. Luckily, Harry,one of the volunteers, particularly likes using the chainsaw, so he’ll be happy. This is what we’re up against.


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We’ve been working very hard. Now reopened is the portion of trail from Epermacho church, Potami up towards Ag Ianni Skleri. Whilst we were there, we not only cleared the trail of fallen trees but also widened the trail like never before.


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The upper Abuzali trail up to Raches is now open. We've made a start on Epamacho church trail (Potami) up towards Ag Iannis Skleri but what I thought we be a quick snip has turned into a huge operation as so many trees are blocking the way. We're about halfway through.

The upper Abuzali trail up to Raches is now open. We’ve made a start on Epamacho church trail (Potami) up towards Ag Iannis Skleri but what I thought would be a quick snip has turned into a huge operation as so many trees are blocking the way. We’re about halfway through. Work will resume on Saturday as we feel the need for a day off to rest our weary bones!


posted in: The Monks Trails | 2

So trail clearing is fast approaching and I can’t wait to get stuck in. There will be so much to do. The first volunteer arrives 4 April and he’s from the UK. There will then be volunteers arriving and departing continuously until the end of June. Our objectives will be:

to carry out maintenance work on open trails

to continue reopening the old trail to Kalogeros

to create more seating/picnic areas

to improve signage

to reopen the old trail from Glossa village to TACAN

If you’d like to join us, even it’s just for a day, or are able to offer an evening meal at any time, please let me know.

Happy Hiking!

sweeping our work



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It’s been an excellent year for the trails with absolutely super volunteers from all over the world coming to help. I thank them all. Having a chain saw has made a huge difference too, so thank you to everyone who donated to the crowd funder. I’d also like to thank Peter Booth, Catriona Forth, Cynthia and Tom and Anita and Paul, for donating a day of their holiday to help. The Geocaches also went well with tourists using the trails in order to find the caches that I’d hidden beside various paths. There will be more!

We will now be taking a break. See you next year!