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When writing about blocked trails, it’s usually regarding a mean land owner but this time, we are the culprits!! Whilst trying to cut down and remove a tree and use it as a bridge in the remma on the Kimissia trail, everything went a bit wrong. So for the moment, the trail is blocked although it is possible to crawl under the foliage. We’ll get back there asap.

Kimissia, Pefkias

posted in: Spring 2018 | 2

We’ve been working very hard to get this trail open and I guess you can say that it now is, although there are still a few finishing touches to be made. You have to know that there are two illegal fences across it on the Kambos side but they can be opened. The stream bed (remma) is a bit difficult to cross but we will sort that out soon. From the remma down to Kambos and then Episcopi (Ring Road) the length is 2.23km. I’ll be posting a complete length as soon as I’ve GPSed it. 

Still at Kimissia – Walk 17

posted in: Spring 2018 | 0

Since 11 May, we’ve been working very hard to reopen this beautiful trail that runs between Pirgos and Kambos. Due to a huge fallen tree, it became impassable only two years ago during the snowy winter and nature has taken over.  Added to this, someone has blocked the way with two illegal fences; one is sealed (from the Kambos end) the other has a door of sorts (the Pirgos end). We’ve been working our way down into the stream bed from the Pirgos end. The huge tree plus others have now been removed and it is possible to pass. But what about the fence? People in Pirgos now know that we have reopened half of the trail and I just hope that word will get back to the fence owner. Otherwise we’ll just have to make a formal complaint.

KIMISSIA – Walk 17

This trail runs between Pefkia and Kambos and was totally blocked. Hampered also by the fact that a neighbouring land owner has encroached onto the trail and taken half it but erecting a very stout fence. Crazy. Several years ago, he actually totally fenced off the trail head at the Pefkia end. We cut it and we will invite him to reposition or better still, remove his illegal fence before we do the same.

Current volunteers are Nicos from Canada, Hannah from Wales and Che from Scotland. They’re doing a great job in difficult conditions and full sun. I’m also so grateful to Paniotis P for his continual weekly help. I can hardly believe that after so many years I finally have the support, encouragement and understanding of a local.

Thanks also to Debbie and friends for supplying us with much needed, heavy duty gloves that withstand the dreaded Smilax. 

Tzelali picnic area

posted in: Spring 2018 | 0

We had a great day today trying to get this area back into shape so you can at least use it. The ‘table’ can’t be moved though as it’s too heavy. Che did a great job clearing the side of the spring and found some lovely semi-circular steps. Elene made a little path to guide walkers down/up the way as there’s a big hole to the side. I removed 4 metal bars and attached wire fencing that was wrapped around the kiosk beam together with a metal bin. We’re trying to find the manhole cover on the top of the spring so it can be cleaned and made suitable for human consumption but it’s somewhat buried.  We hope to finish day after tomorrow but it always takes longer than we think!


posted in: Spring 2018 | 0

For several days now we have been working hard to clear this area. We’ve cleared the path down into the valley and along the dry river bed. We’ve also completely reopened and cleaned the small portion of calderimi that leads up to the asphalt toward Kalogeros. The river bed is now full of bolders and isn’t easy to walk but at least clear of fallen trees and low hanging vegetation. The picnic area around the spring has been trashed by the floods also. We’ve cleaned the spring though around the outside.

So it’s now possible to do a nice circular walk from Profit Ilias area, down to the Glysteri road, up the other side via Tzukala to the trash area, turn left along the asphalt, down the newly opened calderimi to Tzelali, along the river bed, then up again by the deers to the asphalt.

The Huge Tree

posted in: Spring 2018 | 0

A few years back, we cleared the trail  over Anania hill towards Ag Reginos Pirgos (part of the Retsina Trail). All accept one huge tree that we were unable to shift. Today, together with volunteers Steve and David plus Emmanuel Palaiologos – who helps every Saturday – were were at last able to saw it and remove it. It took Emmanuel’s 50 year old chain saw and his skill, to remove it without the enormous root system sliding down. We counted 50 years so it’s as old as the chainsaw. There were also lots of Woodcock Ophrys scolopax cornuta orchids on the trail plus we were visited by the lovely Eva Karras, who arrived armed with sandwiches and a huge cake. We are so very blessed to have such fantastic support.



Non Walkers Support

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A very big THANK YOU to Tam Nightingale for inviting us to his home and for cooking a fantastic meal and to Eva Karras for providing us with a huge pasta meal. Generous gestures of this nature mean a lot to Skopelos Trails and we do not take them for granted. To have this support from non walkers is humbling and saves me from preparing and cooking for the volunteers after a hard day on the trail, so much appreciated on a person level.

If you’d like to donate a meal, please contact me.

Skopelos to Papou (Monk’s Trail)

We’ve been working very hard with maintenance work but over the last three days have actually reopened a portion of calderimi that has been closed for at least 35 years. I’ve walked by it many times but only recently got to thinking that this portion of the trail just didn’t make sense. So, I started sniffing around and in fact one of my volunteers discovered a wide, cobbled (calderimi) in the bushes. This year I was able to get it reopened. It’s behind the Tzukala spring, Glysteri. The reason it was detoured is because a portion of the supporting wall had collapsed. For hikers this is no problem but I guess if you had a mule it would be more problematical.